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Simply Funeral Cover

  • Simply know that the death of a loved one is heartbreaking and a huge financial burden on the family, especially when the loved ones what to give the deceased a dignified memorial. When you have a funeral cover, your family do not need to be worried about getting the money to provide you with a proper burial. Let your loved ones mourn with peace; you can do it by purchasing funeral insurance.

    When purchasing life insurance with any insurance provider, there is always the option to take funeral cover with it. But, you do not have to buy life cover, you can buy funeral insurance separately. It will cover all the costs when arranging a burial for a family member. When you get a funeral plan, you can include your spouse and children (under 21 of age) under one policy.

    When a loved one dies, and all the correct documentation have been received, Simply will pay out within 24 hours. If you are the primary member and something happens to you, your family will be covered for six months free of charge. After that, your spouse will have to take over the policy as a leading member and have to settle the monthly installment.

    The funeral plan does include repatriation services; in other words, the policy consists of to transport the deceased body to the place of burial within the borders of South Africa. You will also receive a limit of R15,000 per annual for other funeral support.

    The policy taken out with Simply is underwritten by Old Mutual Alternative Risk Transfer Limited (a Long-Term Insurer).

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