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Better Bond Home Loans

  • Better Bond know the value of any property, building or home. That is why the offer you the lowest interest rate, it is the lowest in 50 years. With a single application, you will receive more that one quote on your bond and this way the you will receive the best deal.

    The value of any property or land does not decrease over time like any other thing you buy. Property is an asset and when you can afford it, you should purchase it.

    What is the steps to follow when applying for a bond?

    Firstly, you will have to find out what can you afford. You can do this through an institute that will provide you with a statement. Secondly, find a place that falls within the amount that you can afford and apply for a home loan through a bank or financial institution that specialize in loans. Thirdly, get insurance once the bond is approved.

    Better Bond is only one institute that can provide you with a home loan. There are several other places like banks that can provide you with a bond as well. When you apply here, you automatically apply at six loyal banks of South Africa with only filling out all your details once.

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