You can directly insure your auto and home goods and get a wallet that makes you interest on a monthly basis. You do not have to wait years to get cashback on your car insurance. Whether you claim or not, you get your money in your wallet on a monthly basis.
You can make up to 45% of your auto and household rates into your ISA wallet. ISA stands for Insurance Savings Account.
The wallet contains your capital, you’re in command of what you want to do with it.
On what to use the interest:
1. Pay your excess when you have to claim
2. You can withdraw 50% annually
3. Leave it and let it grow
We allow self-service online and the clarity to follow your ISA Wallet. The process to get insurance with Solvency is effortless! Everything is done online and there is no paperwork.
We cover cars, home contents, property buildings, expensive goods, caravans/trailers.
We also have a mobile app or website where you can follow your savings and a way to pause your cover. Apply for a quote to find out more about this pause benefit.
Solvency is backed by the New National Assurance Company Limited. The company assures that all accurate claims will be settled, assuring that even if tragedy strikes – like a devastating fire or storm – you will be completely insured. We are also reinsured by a multinational insurer.
If you want to know more or get a Solvency car insurance and/or household contents insurance policy, apply for quotes here. We will provide you with an agent that will call you back with all the information you need. You will also receive a quote on what it will cost you to get insured by them.
Clearwave is an insurance quote providing website that will help you in your quest for insurance.