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FNB Legal Cover

  • Would you be able to afford legal fees for the time another person takes action against you of a loved one’s interests? If not, to whom would you turn for help? This is why FNB will be more that willing to cover and protect you and your family. The name of FNB legal plan is Law on Call.

    What types of matters would be covered in your legal insurance plan?

    • Civil
    • Labour
    • Criminal

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    (Not necessarily from this particular company)

    What does each legal cover include with each of the above mentioned matters?

    When your labour rights are challenge, you can be sure that FNB would have your back in all of the following matters – unfair releases, unfair functioning circumstances in workplace, guidance with disciplinary hearings, unfair cutbacks, wages withheld, demotion matters and unfair treatment.

    Under civil rights the following are covered – contract disagreements, repossessions, physical injury and harm, property damages, policy claims and pension and medical disagreements.

    Criminal matters include bail applications and the proceedings of the court.


    Get quotes here and now or visit www.fnb.co.za…

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