What is car insurance?
It is a cover plan that you purchase from any insurance company, like Unity, to provide you with coverage in case of an accident. Whether or not the accident was your fault. It will settle the cost to repair your car and if another party’s vehicle was involved. It will also provide finances for any medical costs that arise out of the accident.
Unity Protection offers different auto insurance goods in South Africa, which cover the following:
Vehicle Warranty – When your motor experiences an electrical or automated malfunction, you will be covered. Unity will get it repaired for you.
Scratch and Dent – This plan provides extensive claims for lesser scratches, dents, and shards. You also have a license assurance selection, where Unity will manage the renewal of your license.
Rim and Tyre Guard – This plan guards your rims and tyres in the situation that you run a pothole. You also have penalties to protect selection, where Unity will inform you of your fines and give you a simple way to pay it (with a reduction). This also involves judicial support for fines.
Motor Combo – This covers all of the suggested products in one insurance plan.
Read more about Unity Reviews on our link.