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Unlimited Hospital Plan

  • Unlimited is a medical emergency cover, not a hospital plan. It provides cover for any medical emergencies. It provides you with helicopter rescue and ambulance services. You will have cover from the moment your first payment goes of. You will have cover from the first day you are hospitalized and will receive R1,000 per day up to 100 days in the hospital. If a member of your policy dies you will receive an R10,000 death benefit. After 12 successful payments, you will receive R10,000 for natural death. A pre-existing medical condition is not covered under this plan. Having an emergency plan in place is better than having no health scheme. When you get hospitalized for any medical emergency or accident, you will receive the best treatment.

    A hospital plan will provide you with cover for any hospitalization reasons and not just medical emergencies. Pre-existing conditions can also be covered when you specify them with the provider. However, it only provides for in-hospital treatments and not any medical fees outside of the hospital. You will therefore not receive cover for GP or other specialist visits. You will have to settle the expenses out of your pocket.

    If interested in a hospital plan, you can request quotes on our website. On your right-hand side you will see a form, please fill out all the necessary details and submit. An agent from various companies will call you with the offer(s) they have available for you. It has never been so easy to get offers and premiums to compare. It is time-efficient, therefore you will not have to contact each company to find out what they can offer you.

    It is best to compare quotes from various health plan providers, it will help you find a plan that is best for you and suit all your needs. If you are looking for a medical aid scheme, it will be best to follow the link. It will lead you to our medical scheme page for more information.

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