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Old Mutual Personal Loan - Online Application & Calculator

  • Last updated on: 05/06/2024

    Quick Summary

    Old Mutual offers affordable and easy-to-understand personal loans in South Africa. With an online application process, customers can apply for a loan by meeting the eligibility requirements and providing the necessary documents. The website also features a personal loan calculator to estimate monthly repayments.


    Old Mutual Personal Loans – Affordable and Easy to Understand

    Old Mutual offers a range of personal loans as well as home loans that are designed to be affordable and easy to understand. Whether you need funds for unexpected expenses, home improvements, or debt consolidation, Old Mutual has options available.

    With an Old Mutual personal loan, you can borrow between R2000 and R250,000 depending on your needs. Repayment periods range from 3 months up to 72 months, giving you flexibility in managing your finances. The interest rates offered by Old Mutual are fixed throughout the repayment period so that you know exactly what your monthly instalment will be.

    One of the advantages of applying for an Old Mutual personal loan is the convenience it provides through its online application process. You have the option to apply for a loan directly on their website without having to visit a branch or make any phone calls. This makes it quick and hassle-free as all necessary information can be submitted electronically.

    To assist with estimating how much your monthly repayments might amount to before making any commitments; they also provide customers with accessible tools such as their user-friendly online calculator which allows users to input desired amounts alongside term lengths (in months) and then calculate estimated instalment costs based on these inputs alone! It’s important to note though that this tool should only serve indicative purposes since final calculations may differ slightly due to factors like credit life insurance fees being included within the total costings displayed here!

    In conclusion, if affordability combined with simplicity appeals most when considering borrowing money, look no further than our partner company ‘Old Mutual’ who offers competitive packages tailored specifically towards those seeking financial assistance at reasonable terms while still maintaining transparency every step of the way via either digital channels including web-based applications plus calculators ensuring potential clients remain informed about implications associated with taking out specific sums over certain timeframes.

    Applying for an Old Mutual Personal Loan

    When it comes to applying for a personal loan, Old Mutual makes the process affordable and easy to understand. Whether you need funds for unexpected expenses or want to consolidate your debts into one manageable payment, their personal loans can provide the financial assistance you need.

    Eligibility Requirements:

    To apply for an Old Mutual personal loan, there are certain eligibility requirements that must be met. You should be at least 18 years old and a South African citizen. Additionally, you will need to provide identification documents such as your ID document along with three months’ worth of bank statements and your latest payslip.

    Options for Applying:

    Old Mutual offers multiple options when it comes to submitting your application. You have the convenience of applying online through their website from the comfort of your own home or office. If preferred, you also have the option of visiting one of their branches in person where friendly staff members will guide you through each step of the application process. Alternatively, you may choose phone applications if this is more convenient.

    Required Documents:

    In order to ensure smooth processing, it’s important to gather all necessary documentation before starting on any platform. The required documents include valid proof of identity (ID), three months’ bank statement reflecting salary deposits, and the most recent pay slip.

    CreditView Tool:

    As part of their commitment towards responsible lending practices, Old Mutual provides the CreditView tool which allows applicants to check their credit score and monitor their overall credit health. This free service helps individuals gain insight into how lenders view them financially. It is always advisable to review the report prior to making a formal application so that no surprises arise during the assessment phase.

    Applying for an Online Application:

    If opting to submit via the web portal, it would require the following steps:

    1. Visit the official Old Mutual website
    2. Navigate to ‘Personal Loans’
    3. Click the “Apply Now” button under the desired product offering
    4. Complete the relevant fields accurately, ensuring that the information provided matches the supporting documentation
    5. Submit the application and await a response from Old Mutual within 24 hours

    Applying In-Branch:

    If you prefer a more personal touch, visiting an Old Mutual branch is the way to go. Their friendly staff will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring that all necessary documentation is provided and your questions are answered along the way.

    Phone Applications:

    Old Mutual also offers phone applications for those who may not have access to the internet or find it easier to speak with a consultant directly. Simply call their customer service line, provide the relevant information, and follow the instructions given by the agent.

    No matter which option you choose, applying for an Old Mutual personal loan is straightforward and hassle-free. They understand that financial needs can arise unexpectedly, and they strive to make the borrowing experience as convenient as possible while still maintaining responsible lending practices.

    Understanding Old Mutual Personal Loan Terms

    Old Mutual offers personal loans that are designed to be affordable and easy to understand. When considering a personal loan from Old Mutual, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the terms involved. This section will provide an overview of the loan amounts available, repayment periods, fixed interest rates, and costs included in the monthly instalment.

    Loan Amounts:

    With an Old Mutual personal loan, you can borrow between R2000 and R250 000 depending on your financial needs. The amount you qualify for will depend on factors such as your income level and creditworthiness.

    Repayment Periods:

    The repayment period for an Old Mutual personal loan ranges from 3 months up to 72 months (6 years). You have flexibility in choosing a term that suits your budgetary requirements while keeping in mind that longer-term loans may result in higher overall interest payments compared to shorter-term options.

    Fixed Interest Rates:

    One advantage of taking out a personal loan with Old Mutual is their fixed interest rates. This means that throughout the duration of your chosen repayment period, there won’t be any surprises when it comes to fluctuating interest charges – allowing you peace of mind knowing exactly what each payment entails.

    Costs Included In The Loan Installment:

    1) Monthly Service Fee: As part of managing administrative expenses related to processing customer accounts effectively; customers should expect this fee which forms part of the monthly instalment.

    Using the Old Mutual Personal Loan Calculator

    The personal loan calculator provided on the Old Mutual website is a useful tool that allows users to estimate their monthly loan repayments based on specific parameters. This calculator can help individuals plan and budget for their desired loan amount and repayment term.

    Steps to Use the Old Mutual Personal Loan Calculator:

    1. Visit the official Old Mutual website where you will find access to various financial tools and calculators.
    2. Locate the “Personal Loan Calculator” section on this page.
    3. Input your desired loan amount in South African Rand (ZAR). The minimum borrowing limit with an Old Mutual personal loan starts from R2000 up to a maximum of R250,000 depending upon eligibility criteria set by them.
    4. Select your preferred repayment period or term using months as units of measurement. The available options range from 3 months all the way up to 72 months, which provides flexibility according to individual’s needs.
    5. Once you have entered both values – loan amount and tenure, click the ‘Calculate’ button located below the input fields. This action triggers the calculation process within the system backend.
    6. After clicking calculate, you’ll be presented with the estimated monthly instalment value along with other details such as credit life insurance cost (service fee) etc.

    It is important to note that while this online tool provides estimates, it should only be used as an indication rather than exact figures. These calculations are subject to change without prior notice due to fluctuations in interest rates imposed by bank authorities. Actual terms may vary when applying through formal channels like branches or online application forms, so always consult directly before making any final decisions regarding taking out new debt obligations.

    Please keep in mind that results generated by this calculator include additional costs such as service fees, costs associated with initiation/administration charges, and credit life premiums. It does not take into account potential changes in interest rates over time nor consider factors like late payment penalties or early settlement discounts offered under certain circumstances.

    Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a financial advisor or contact Old Mutual directly for more accurate and personalized information regarding your specific loan requirements. They will be able to provide you with the most up-to-date rates and terms based on your individual circumstances.

    In conclusion, the personal loan calculator offered by Old Mutual can serve as a helpful tool in estimating monthly repayments for potential borrowers. However, it’s important to remember that these results are only indicative of what one might expect when applying through formal channels like branches or online application forms. For precise figures tailored specifically towards an applicant’s unique situation, it is always recommended to consult professionals at bank branch offices who have access to real-time data about current interest rate fluctuations imposed upon customers seeking loans from them.

    Old Mutual Personal Loan Application Process

    Applying for a personal loan with Old Mutual is quick and convenient, thanks to their online application process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply:

    Step 1: Visit the Old Mutual website

    To begin your personal loan application, visit the official Old Mutual website at www.oldmutual.co.za/personal/solutions/bank-and-borrow/personal-loans/. This page provides all the necessary information about their personal loans.

    Step 2: Check eligibility requirements

    Before starting your application, it’s important to ensure that you meet certain criteria. To qualify for an Old Mutual personal loan, you need to be:

    • A South African citizen or permanent resident.
    • Between the ages of 18 and 60 years old.
    • Earning more than R2,500 per month before deductions.
    • Permanently employed or on contract for more than three months.

    Make sure you fulfil these requirements before proceeding with your application.

    Step 3: Start filling out the online form

    Once you’ve confirmed that you’re eligible for an Old Mutual personal loan, click on “Apply Now” or any similar button available on their website. You will then be directed to an online form where they’ll ask for various details such as:

    • Your full name
    • Contact information (phone number and email address)
    • Residential address

    Provide accurate information in each field so that there are no delays during processing.

    Step 4: Provide employment details

    In this section of the form, you’ll need to provide specific employment-related details including:

    • Current employer’s name
    • Length of time working at current job

    Ensure accuracy when entering this data as it plays a crucial role in assessing affordability and determining whether applicants can comfortably repay their loans based on income stability.

    Step 5: Affordability Details

    In order to assess if the applicant has sufficient disposable income after deducting monthly expenses, Old Mutual requires information about your current financial commitments and living costs. This includes details such as:

    • Monthly rent or mortgage payments
    • Other loan repayments (if applicable)

    Be sure to provide accurate figures for each expense category.

    Step 6: Submit the application

    After completing all sections of the online form, review your entries carefully before submitting them. Double-check that you’ve provided the correct contact details so that Old Mutual can reach out to you regarding your application status.

    Once submitted, Old Mutual will assess your personal loan application within a reasonable timeframe. They aim to provide an answer within 24 hours but note that this may vary depending on their workload at any given time.

    Optionally Requesting Assistance:

    If you have questions or need assistance during the personal loan application process, Old Mutual provides an option where applicants can request a call back from one of their representatives. This allows individuals who prefer speaking with someone directly rather than navigating through forms independently.

    Credit Check Requirement:

    It’s important to note that in order for Old Mutual Finance to consider and evaluate applications accurately, consent is required by the applicant allowing credit checks. These checks are conducted as part of assessing affordability criteria.

    By following these steps and providing accurate information throughout the online form, applying for an Old Mutual Personal Loan becomes hassle-free!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Question 1: What are the eligibility criteria for applying for an Old Mutual personal loan?

    To apply for an Old Mutual personal loan, you need to meet certain eligibility criteria. These include being at least 18 years old, a South African citizen or permanent resident, and earning a minimum monthly income of R2,500 before deductions. Additionally, you should be permanently employed by the same employer for at least three months.

    Question 2: How much can I borrow with an Old Mutual personal loan?

    With an Old Mutual personal loan, you can borrow between R2000 and R250,000 depending on your financial situation and creditworthiness. The amount that is approved will depend on factors such as your income level and ability to repay the loan.

    Question 3: What repayment periods are available with Old Mutual personal loans?

    Old Mutual offers flexible repayment terms ranging from three months up to seventy-two months (six years). You have the option to choose a term that suits your budgetary needs while considering how long it would take you to comfortably pay off the debt without straining financially.

    Question 4: Can I apply online for an Old Mutual Personal Loan?

    Yes! Applying online is one of several convenient options offered by Old Mutual when seeking their services. You simply visit their website where they provide step-by-step guidance through each stage in order to complete the application process successfully. The entire procedure takes place digitally which means no paperwork is required; all necessary documents must be uploaded during this time too if applicable – although not compulsory doing so may help expedite processing times significantly! Once submitted, you’ll receive feedback within twenty-four hours regarding whether approval has been granted or denied based upon assessment results conducted internally beforehand ensuring accuracy throughout the decision-making processes involved here!

    Question 5: How does using the CreditView tool benefit me?

    CreditView is a free tool provided by Old Mutual that allows you to check your credit score and monitor your overall credit health. By using this tool, you can gain insights into how lenders may view your financial history when considering loan applications or other forms of credit.

    Question 6: Can I consolidate my existing loans with an Old Mutual personal loan?

    Yes! If you have multiple loans or outstanding debt from various sources, consolidating them into a single debt consolidation loan offered by Old Mutual could be beneficial for simplifying repayment. This means combining all the debts under one umbrella which makes it easier manage financially as well.

    Please note that these answers are based on information available at the time of writing and are subject to change according to any updates made by Old Mutual in the future.


    1. https://www.oldmutual.co.za/personal/solutions/bank-and-borrow/personal-loans/
    2. https://www.oldmutual.co.za/personal/tools-and-calculators/personal-loan-calculator/
    3. https://www.oldmutual.co.za/personal-loans/onboarding/landing
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