What is a Hospital Plan?
Hospital plans can be confusing as they are not always the same as medical schemes. A hospital plan settles hospital-related expenses, a medical aid provides for out of hospital bills as well.
The benefit to using an insurance provider is that you pay a fixed monthly rate. You are therefore covered for a variety of healthcare services that covers the entire family. The disadvantage is that you cannot choose the doctor or hospital you would prefer for your particular needs. On certain hospital plans, there is a list of network hospitals where you are fully covered. If you use the service of a hospital not on the list, you will be liable for a certain amount. There are a few surgeries where you will get charge a co-payment. However, the co-payment is a small amount if you compare it to the rest of the surgery fees.
You will agree that the biggest health expenses are when you have to be treated in a hospital. It can lead up to hundreds of thousand rands and the average South African cannot afford it. It is a wise decision then to look into a hospital plan, it will provide for the big bills and it is cheaper than medical aid.
Oxygen hospital plan has merged with Medshield and provide young individuals with a plan called Medshield MediCore. It provides great benefits and is a hospital plan to consider getting.
If, however, you are still searching the market for quotes and offers. Clearwave is the website to be. We offer you the chance to get quotes for free and compare them in your own time.