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Hollard Funeral Cover

  • Are you in need of a funeral cover? Hollard can help you with that and will pay out a claim withing 48 hours (just send the required documents). Death has a tremendous impact on one’s emotional and financial state; it is not something to take lightly. If you think that a memorial service is affordable, then it is time you think twice.

    Hollard offers you the chance to get a policy plan for an affordable monthly premium.

    Benefits include:

    • Cover between R10 000 – R75 000
    • You will receive 20% cash back on all the premiums after five years
    • You can cover your spouse/partner, children and parent/in-laws for a small additional premium
    • You have an option to include a monthly provider plan or personal accident cover
    • A car available for three days to plan a memorial service

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